Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The Prince

If you have seen this movie on Netflix but passed over it a hundred times, you wouldn't be the only one.  I passed it up for a good two weeks before giving it a shot, and was pleasantly surprised at this hidden gem.  I like to dissect movies like this that have flown under the radar.  Lets start with the poster, two of the three actors on it are in this film for about 7 minutes each.  Which actors?  Here is a hint, they are the A listers.  Next what is a Prince?  "A male royal ruler, most commonly the son of a King or Emperor".  What does this have to do with the movie?  Not a damn thing.  You can analyze it all you want, but come on, it was a last minute decision on the writers part.  Well, with low expectations going in, it turns out that I really liked this movie!  It was underrated from the start and the build up of the main character is really good.  Jason Patrick transforms from a nerdy, boring auto mechanic, to a complete bad ass, killing machine.  His daughter and her friends are idiots, and the perfect example of how college girls act and think anymore.  This was kind of a Taken rip off, but in many ways more watchable story.  Give this one a shot, and if you have a daughter, keep her out of New Orleans.

FYI:  50 Cent makes an appearance, and this is the third film he is in with Bruce Willis.


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