Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Mad Max-Fury Road

Pop quiz!  You find yourself trapped in a post-apocalyptic world where water is scarce, savages have taken over with the power of gasoline, gunpowder and machines. Oh, and most of the warriors are brainwashed into believing if they die in battle, they will return as an immortal covered in chrome.  What three items do you bring with you?  If you didn't say a gun, lots of bullets, and an armored car, you failed the quiz!  The best word to describe this movie is WOW!  Watching it is seriously like a roller coaster ride that is full speed for 2 hours.  There are only 2 or 3 times where you can catch your breath.  Growing up watching these movies I was expecting a lot, and got a lot!  George Miller, coming off of his last few movies (Happy Feet, and Babe) brings you into a world that is chaotic, violent, and perfectly created for this movie.  There were many elements from the other Max films brought into this one with a more personal story line.  The filming and score was absolutely perfect with a cast that nailed it.  This movie successfully accomplished, with very little dialogue, a clear character back story, reasoning, and madness that sucks you in and has you on the edge of your seat for the entire movie.  Another must see theater movie that you should run, not walk to see before it is gone.  My opinion; best movie of the year so far!

FYI:  Mel Gibson was actually Millers first choice to be the lead.  Thank God cause Tom Hardy is Awesome!



  1. Agree, it was awesome! Saw it twice in the theater.

  2. Agree, it was awesome! Saw it twice in the theater.

  3. Nice! I would see it again as well.

  4. Great movie. I think it is worth buying when it comes out.

  5. High expectations and wasn't let down. Movie was badass
