Wednesday, June 17, 2015


"You moved the gravestones, but you left the bodies didn't you, you son of a bitch!"  Remember that classic line from the original?  Well it wasn't in it, as a matter of fact they left most of the classic scenes and lines from the original, and as a big fan it really pissed me off!  Look Hollywood, if your going to remake a classic, you better be damn good.  You are already setting yourself up for failure by jumping into the non original remake scene, but do it right especially if your spending the money.  This movie was rushed!  There was too much focus on a backstory, with no actual backstory.  The characters were too used to the haunting too quickly.  By the time the professor got there they were all like, "oh, yeah, shit flies around on its own here".  The bad, so many major elements left out or changed:  Caroline changed to Maddie?  No Pool?  No Maggots in the meat?  Complete downplay of the clown?  No midget (Peter Dinkledge would have been perfect for this part)!  There really was no substance to this remake, but was somewhat enjoyable if you haven't seen the original.  There were some better actors this go around but disappointing.  Wait for Netflix on this one, but still give it a watch.

FYI:  Fans of this film started buying items from the actual set including the blue laundry basket.


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