Thursday, June 11, 2015

The Nightmare

You know those dreams you have that seem so real it's almost like its actually happening?  Well apparently it really is happening, and demons, aliens and shadowy people are in your room terrorizing you!  Oh, you don't believe me?  Just watch "The Nightmare", its a crappy documentary, if you can call it that, about people that have a condition called Sleep Paralysis and the horrors that come along with it.  What happens is they start to fall asleep and just as they do, they become completely paralyzed but are totally conscience.  Well when that happens to the unlucky pseudo-sleepers, in walks the demons, aliens, claws, devils, shadow people to terrorize, posses, and even have sex with them.  The weird part is when they wake up, there is nothing there and everything is exactly the same????  It's called a Bad Dream you fuckin idiots!  This is a weak documentary that is scripted, fake and totally over dramatic.  It would have been awesome if they would have actually made it into a fiction horror movie but these people are convinced that there are demons out to get them when they are in this paralyzed state.  These freaks disregard any scientific explanation by saying, "the doctors just say that because they don't know".  One lady actually said an ink like substance emitted from her body because that is what the demons eat!  This is Narcissism at its finest with everyone thinking that this is all a huge conspiracy to keep them in the demons grasp.  Apparently the only saving grace is to say, "In Jesus Name" and it all goes away, for a while.  Call me a skeptic, but what a load of crap!

FYI:  Some countries believe certain vegetables are bad omens, but it doesn't mean they are demons!

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