Tuesday, June 9, 2015



Lets reveal whats behind curtain #1!  Have you ever had a day where you are constantly arguing with yourself about your life's decisions and what your next move is?  Well you aint got nothin on this dude!  Ready for the plot and my interpretation of the film?  Jake Gyllenhaal is a lonely college history professor who leads a very boring life with the same repeating events happening daily.  Jake Gyllenhaal is a not so well known actor with a more exciting life going to bizarre sex clubs and married to a pregnant wife.  The twist, they are two separate people who look exactly alike!  Even down to the scar on their chest.  Once they find each other and meet, paranoia and tension sinks in deep.  The movie is covered in controlling overtones and repeating patterns that is a constant inevitable loop.  With a hazy strange yellow overtone, the viewer ventures into the minds of damaged men battling in their own self conscience.  Filled with infidelity and mistrust, while watching this you will want to search for the clues to understand, (Photos, work, 6 months, mom, spiders).  I hope I haven't spoiled too much but this is a must watch!  It has a slow steady pace that may seem boring to some but personally I liked the build up.  Not to mention Gyllenhaal turns almost everything he does to gold.  Watch this movie and keep an open mind looking for clues and try to figure it out for yourself first, then go here and hear the real explanation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9AWkqRwd1I

FYI:  The next time you see a spider and step on it, your a sexist, chauvinistic, coward pig!!



  1. I have been wanting to see this one because I heard that it was awesome. Didn't read your review because I don't want it to be ruined.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Once you watch it, read my review and then go to the you tube page I have posted. It is crazy but would love to hear your thoughts
