Thursday, June 11, 2015

The Philly Kid

Always wanted to be an MMA fighter?  Well, now you can!  All you need is a wrestling background, a few weeks of training in an old gym, and you become the best of the best!  Don't worry that you haven't mastered the arts of martial arts, boxing, or the rules, those details will just take care of themselves.  Oh, and if you've been in prison for the last 10 years, that helps as well!  Another Netflix almost made for TV, B action film comes to life with the Philly Kid (the title alone should scare you away).  If your in the mood for cheesy acting, cliche after cliche, and punches that sound like a dump truck smashing sides of beef, then this is the movie for you!  Familiar story of a star wrestler in the wrong place at the wrong time who gets locked up for 10 years, only to emerge as an MMA God.  Of course he has to fight to save the life of his bestie and is getting harassed by the fuzz.  Not to mention his fights are officiated by the worst refs in the game.  The only redemption of this film are the actual fight scenes and that I was entertained for 90 minutes.  This is one of those nothing else to watch films if you like MMA, and if you want a good movie on the topic, watch Warrior.  Now go train for a week and Dana White will be on your phone in no time!

FYI:  Nearly biting your own tongue off intentionally is a sure way to get recognized in the fight world.


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