Friday, June 5, 2015

The Interview

Eminem, I knew it!  You cant hide any longer!  It's about time I watched this movie since it has been on my Netflix list since last Christmas.  The Interview has conspiracy written all over it, i'll explain.  This movie was made with the obvious cover up of "freedom of speech".  Many of you may not know that once the movie was marketed the focus was on censoring due to the safety of America and the back lash North Korea would have after its surfacing.  Once the attention was on the film itself, two things happened.  One, a group of Korean activists hacked into Sony/Paramount pictures in order to expose the Western Pigs and their liberal agenda.  Two, the United States military sent in a team to assassinate the North Korean dictator under the radar.  This is an actual theory I read by a group of internet trolls who claim to have actual evidence, out of their parents basement.  People really blew this movie way out of proportion.  Although it was a really funny movie, it wasn't so much propaganda, than it was comedy.  Franco is a slime ball host of a celebrity interview show, and his producer played by Rogen find out Kim Jong-un is a big fan of the show.  They land an interview with him only to be set up by the CIA to assassinate him.  These two idiots fumble their way through in a Rogen style comedic way.  It was pretty hilarious and would recommend watching anytime.  Franco plays his funniest role yet.

FYI:  We are still waiting for the Korean back lash...............still waiting..................


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