Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Jurassic World

Hey everyone!  Did you know they made another Jurassic Park movie?  If you didn't you must be living in a Cambodian Prison Camp!  This movie made history last weekend as the highest grossing opening weekend ever!  I read a critic review before I saw it titled, "10 things wrong with Jurassic World".  One of the reasons actually said, "They didn't have an accurate depiction of what a dinosaur actually looks like."  Really, you seriously put that in print?  What the hell do you know what they actually looked like, not to mention any fan watching the movie.  Another thing they said was that it was completely unrealistic because no one would redo this theme park after what happened in the first movie.  I say, how many times in history has man decided to redo something that failed thinking he could do it better?  Probably about a billion times!  Not to mention, it is a MOVIE, about modern day Dinosaurs!  This movie was awesome!  Chris Pratt is the man and the story of this was really great.  I am so happy when Hollywood decides to resurrect a movie franchise and actually takes the time and money to create good writing and acting and not just rely on the special effects.  This movie will keep you intrigued from the very start, and gives you more of a connection with the actual dinos.  Somewhat predictable, and has some typical Tinsel Town stuff to cater to the masses.  All in all, they really did a good job with this one.  This is a must see in the theater movie, just wait for a few weeks, we stood in line for over an hour.

FYI:  Jimmy Buffett is seen in this movie grabbing two margaritas from his table when the dinos attack!


1 comment:

  1. ****Spoiler Alert don't read anymore as I give away the ending***** Fresh out of the Cambodian prison camp and I was whisked away to 20 years ago when I saw the first Jurassic Park. It was really good, but I got ask how stupid are parents that keep sending their kids there ALONE! But Chris Pratt was awesome and his pack of Raptos made the movie for me. I could have done with out needing more teeth and the Trex teaming up to defeat the super Dino. Would have rather just had the Raptors take him down and lure him near the "Sea World" exhibit. just my 2 cents. And stumbling through the ruins of the old park, Very nice touch
