Monday, June 8, 2015

Larry Gaye: Renegade Male Flight Attendant

I am convinced, there is a bar hidden somewhere in underground Hollywood, where they have poker tournaments.  In this bar you can look around and see A list directors, producers, actors, and agents.  You can also see no name, wannabe, scum bags who will do anything to get into the Fame Game.  Well they don't gamble with money at this sacred place, they gamble with scripts and actors.  The idiots behind this film bet the farm, and won!  Don't believe my theory?  First watch this missed opportunity movie that rates right up there with the worst of franchises like "Movie 43", "Not Another Teen Movie", and "Scary Movie".  Second, check out the star power, (Romijn, Tucci, Diggs, Alexander, Harden, Winkler, Shannon).  Third, watch the movie!  This could have been good with only a few slightly laughable parts, most coming from the stars who were only in it for a few seconds.  Basically, Gaye, who is actually a straight, womanizing flight attendant lives a life of jet setting, and winning flight attendant awards only to find out he has a son.  He is also facing the challenges of the industry trying to phase out all flight attendants.  Overall, predictable, and dumb.  A movie like this, even being dumb should be filled with laughs, this failed on that level through 90% of the movie.  Pass on this, unless you are really curious.

FYI:  Flight attendants only get paid for "Flight Time"  that means after the doors are closed and you are moving.  So be nice when they are helping with your bags, jerk!


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