Wednesday, June 3, 2015


My wife tells me that non organic milk is filled with hormones and not good for kids.  Well, the kids in this movie must drink a few gallons a day because they are invincible, sadistic killing machines!  This Netflix film is another example of what not to do in a crisis situation, ever.  Plot:  Two brothers and a wife go camping/hunting in a closed state park.  They wake up on morning uno,only to find all of their belongings gone, including the tents right over their heads.  They begin to be terrorized and hunted by a group of maniacs in the woods.  Problem #1, the killers are high school kids on bicycles.  Problem #2, they are skilled marksmen and hand to hand combat effective to take on Kimbo Slice.  Problem #3, the first of their victims is an Army Infantry bad ass.  All of these things are pretty common, right?  The absolute worst part of this film was every time, and I mean Every, Single, Time, one of these adults got the best of these masked terrors, they turned their back on them and got taken down.  Unfortunately I like the "couple getting terrorized" type movies and even though this was pretty bad, it kept me interested.  There is so much more these movies could have but always fall short.  Another one I would suggest checking out only if you need pure mindless watching of a horror flick.

FYI:  The yuppie brother is a dick and gets what he deserves!


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