Friday, February 19, 2016

We Are Monsters


This Movie was so Low Budget, that I couldn't even find the actual movie poster!  If you haven't heard of this movie don't worry, no one else has either.  There were a lot of things going against this flick starting with the title, the majority of the budget going to fake blood, and a setting of literally 3 rooms of a cabin in the woods.  If you ask me, these were all of the things that made this movie outstanding!  This is one that I feel could turn into a cult hit.  It was graphic, dirty and disgusting with no new plot line and a real gritty old school kind of feel.  Basically, we have a business woman who gets abducted, tortured, raped and beaten in a filthy cabin.  Well its the same old story we have seen before as she escapes not once, not twice, but three times only to be caught each time and again put through more torture.  Well she finally gets her revenge in some pretty gruesome ways.  I liked it but it was pretty bad.  It really had no value other than filling some time with "almost there" shock value.  Give it a shot if you like these types of "B" movies, otherwise give it a pass.

FYI:  There were more than 35 gallons of fake blood used in this movie.


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