Friday, February 19, 2016


As they say, another pointless remake!  I usually don't agree with that saying when it comes to movies because I like to see different visions of a film that could be improved or changed.  Well this one did absolutely no justice to the original other than a tad bit more of an explanation.  There were some good scenes in this movie but almost immediately ruined in the very next scene.  It was close to an exact remake with no real changes other than eliminating the deep gore and shock value.  Two early twenty something girls, one who had been traumatized by an abduction incident when she was young return to the place where it all went down.  From here it is stupid mistake after stupid mistake until you almost start to route for the bad guys.  The lead actress (the normal one) is really hot, and kind of reminds me of a young Jennifer Garner.  If you have seen the original and want to solve some curiosity, give it a shot.  If you are interested, please watch the original first!

FYI:  Shot in 20 days


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