Thursday, February 4, 2016


If any of you expecting mothers out there are looking for an exciting night of movie watching, this is one for you!  As you can tell by the cover, this is a heartwarming tale of pregnancy and the beauty of child birth.  Why are there a pair of household scissors on the cover?  Well, apparently in France they sometimes do things a little different in the medical field.  I searched for this movie for a while hearing a lot of hype and of course I had to see what cant be unseen.  Here you have it, a tale of a 9 month pregnant widow being stalked by a lunatic woman wanting a baby of her own.  The budget of this film was $3 million, and my guess is they spent $2.5 million on fake blood.  This French horror flick didn't disappoint and had all of the gruesome, nasty, disturbing images you would expect.  Some un-answered questions and the local police across the pond are huge idiots, otherwise pretty good acting and crazy upsetting story-line.  Give this one a shot if you don't mind a little dry heaving and cringing.  I would suggest a bloody Mary and some steak while viewing.

FYI:  The address on the main characters door is, wait for it.........666!


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