Thursday, February 4, 2016

Kill the Messenger

Another classic tale of Curiosity killing the Cat!  Now I don't know about you, but I know absolutely no one who loves their job so much, they are willing to risk their family, marriage, and life in order to get answers that really has nothing to do with you.  Okay, maybe the guy working at Ben and Jerry's but no one else!  If you haven't seen this movie yet, you are wrong!  I have secretly titled this movie, "Better than Spotlight" because it was!  I cant believe Spotlight is up for a number of awards and this got snubbed, its probably because Jeremy Renner is black.  Seriously though, this was a far superior film with a number of amazing performances.  This story of Gary Webb who uncovered a story of Americans funneling coke into the ghettos of our country to fund the war on drugs in Nicaragua.  He really gets the shaft, big time.  Apparently the CIA and FBI don't want you snooping around in their work to better America, for the wealthy that is.  This movie really keeps you on the edge of your seat and draws you in like no other.  I have read that there are a number of holes and they gave it a bit of the Hollywood treatment but still loved it.  I have even read that many of the accusations made by Webb were completely false, but I think it was the CIA yelling that from their soap box.  Definitely watch this movie, it was one of the best I have seen this year.

FYI:  The soundtrack features a Pearl Jam song!


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