Thursday, February 4, 2016

A Girl Like Her

Okay, seriously.  Who is a high school bully anymore?  Really, has any American high school kid ever turned on the news?  There are literally school shootings every other day by some poor kid who is picked on or bullied by the POP kids.  Kids today are either really brave, or incredibly stupid.  Being the father of a teenager, I am gravitating toward stupid.  I actually watched this movie twice and it hit me with the choke ups both times.  I made my 13 year old daughter watch it with me the second time to hear her thoughts on the authenticity of what happens in school today, and she said it was pretty spot on.  Ouch, I always knew kids were mean, but now with the social media and constant contact, they can destroy you in no time!  The story is popular girl decides she doesn't like one of her introverted friends anymore and sets out to make her life a living hell.  So much that the other girl takes drastic measures against herself.  All the while everything is being captured by a hidden camera that the one friend convinces her to wear.  They do a really good job with this movie in exploring both sides of the bully and victim.  It will give you a lot to think about and prompt you to call those people you picked on in high school.  "Boy I sure am glad I called that guy!"

FYI:  Both main characters were on Soap Operas, and nominated for awards.


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