Friday, February 19, 2016

Bone Tomahawk

There is a definite hierarchy in this movie weighed by facial hair.  The more you have, the tougher you are!  If your a bearded man-beast with a twisty mustache, you are more than likely the leader.  Just a hipster twisty stache, good gun slinger with a chip on your shoulder.  No facial hair, either a simpleton or a pussy.  There you have it, Bone Tomahawk!  This movie was just plain cool!!!  I didn't know what to expect with this one and damn was I pleasantly surprised.  It is one of the most underrated movies I have seen in a long time.  It is original, fresh, interesting to the point of keeping you on the edge of your seat with out blowing you away with pointless action and like I said cool.  Every character is good, the dialogue was great and the story was perfect.  It is a great mix of western and horror with a twist and an ending that rocks!  A young maiden is abducted by Indians, and the four man search party sets out on a rescue mission.  As you can imagine they have to deal with the hazards of the wild west along with the unknown and also the clock.  These so called Indians who did the abducting aren't you typical Dances with Wolves type injuns, these are some bad ass savages with some ulterior motives in mind.  Definitely watch this movie, it will be a great experience!

FYI:  Mathew Fox was the fourth casting choice for this role.  I think he nailed it!


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