Friday, February 19, 2016

The Forest

That bratty little sister of yours, always getting into more shenanigans!  This time she off and gets lost in a haunted forest in Japan where people go to kill themselves.  Dang it, I guess I will catch the first flight out.  The forest only spreads across three or four Asian mountain ranges, how hard can it be?!  Oh look, I found her tent on the first day, or did I?  I also brought this friendly English speaking dude I met in the bar the night before to help.  Or is he really helping me?  What is real in this place, I don't know but I am definitely staying overnight!  Sound ridiculous?  Thats because it is!  They do an okay job of building suspense and capturing your enthusiasm but when you sit back and think, its pretty stupid.  I liked the fact that the forest confuses you and builds suspense as to what is real and what is in your mind but it all goes just a little too far and becomes a little comical.  I would actually see this again for free, but not that impressed, especially after getting my hopes up after the previews.  Oh, and if you want to get a good laugh, check out the review boards of this one.  Lots of people saying it is whitewashing because they cast a white girl, and how disrespectful to those who committed suicide?  WTF?

FYI:  Apparently this damn suicide forest is real!


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