Thursday, February 4, 2016

Bridge of Spies

Admit it, this was one of those movies that you saw previews for and said to yourself, "huh, that looks good", then forgot about it and never made an effort to see it.  I know this because I will watch just about anything and did the same thing!  Well I was wrong, we all were.  This movie was really good.  Not sure how much of it was actual fact but Hanks usually doesn't disappoint.  The crazy part is good ole Tom wasn't even the part of the movie that kept you watching.  It was the supporting actors that really did a great job in drawing you in for more.  The 50's must have been a really weird time, not only for the mindset of normal values in America, but the whole cold war coming into its true fashion and displaying ridiculous amounts of loyalty to anyone.  Hanks plays an insurance attorney that is recruited by the CIA (for some reason) to successfully negotiate the exchange of two Americans in Germany and Russia for an alleged Soviet spy.  Well as you can imagine dealing with foreign affairs, in a foreign country, during war is a difficult task.  Hanks plays the part well but fails to have you really love his character.  None the less, I was still intrigued by this film and was never bored or distracted from start to finish.  Give this one a shot then send your kids to school in the Middle East, they should be fine.

FYI:  Bridge of Spies is an actual bridge that was an exchange place for a number of prisoners.


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