Monday, March 26, 2018


Is she, or isnt she?  Well, weather or not they tell you, she is because she is your typical neurotic young professional who loves drama!  Amidst the horrible reviews I thought this movie was awesome!  Of course there were some holes and parts were a little unbelievable as I found myself wondering why the hell the character didn't just do (blank).  Then I thought, oh ya, people are mostly idiots in real life as well so that was pretty much par for the course.  The lead actress, Claire Foy played the part of an over dramatic, sociopath very well although I was constantly distracted as she is a perfect cross between Kristen Stewart, Kristen Wigg, and Emily Blunt with a voice like Holly Hunter.  It was eerie and I couldnt get it out of my head.  SO basically the girl mistakenly, voluntarily admits herself to a mental institution at a minimum 24 hold.  Discovering what she has done she becomes unstable and violent only further committing herself to a 7 day hold.  During this time, low and behold she finds that one of the orderlies working the ward is none other than, wait for it, her former stalker!  Or is it?  Is she just crazy?  This movie is cool and stylish with Hitchcock type camera angles and suspense that makes you wonder if any of it is really happening.  The best part, good ole Matt Damon himself shows up for a bit part!

FYI:  The entire movie was filmed with an iPhone camera and in only 10 days!


Only the Brave

Dry desert brush, winds, wild fire, and firefighters.  There is a serious weight of balance here that leads to an extremely unfortunate event in Arizona.  This movie is based on the true story of the Yarnell Hill Fire close to Prescott, AZ in which 19 brave Hot Shots tragically died fighting a historic wild fire.  These were some of the most conditioned and well equipped crew members ever and were unfortunately caught in an impossible situation.  This movie was outstanding and heartbreaking at the same time.  It did hit a little close to home as it happened only a few hours from where I live and was in the area shortly after it happened.  The acting was superb, the casting was great and the writing kept you wanting more throughout the entire picture.  It really draws you into the character development and leaves you breathless thinking of how you would feel being the only surviving member of the crew walking into a room with the widows of everyone else.  This is a must watch movie that hopefully honors the members of the brave crew who gave their lives to protect a small AZ town.

FYI:  Largest single loss of firefighter life since 9/11


Friday, March 23, 2018


Take Blade Runner, The 5th Element, and Kingpin, roll them all together only keeping the best of each film (cinematography, sci-fi representation, and comedy involving the Amish) and bam!  You get a very well done Netflix gem called "Mute"  The movie is quite weird as the setting is futuristic Berlin filled with robots, sexual deviants, gangsters, AWOL soldiers, and of course, Amish.  Basically what you have is an Amish bartender who is mute due to the fact he was in a boating accident as a child cutting open his throat.  He is in love with one of the barmaids and when she goes missing he gets wrapped up in the underworld trying to find her.  Enter the best part of the film, Paul Rudd.  He plays Cactus Bill, an AWOL Army surgeon who is a complete slime ball (and only half as bad as his partner).  He is the life blood of this film!  I have a hard time finding anything Rudd has done that is bad, but this may be his best role.  The story and premise is great and I would recommend it to anyone, especially those who like the strange and Macabre type movies.  Netflix has once again entertained me!

FYI:  David Hasselhoff is on the currency in this movie, look hard and you will see him!


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Lady Bird

Another celebrated Oscar Nominee for 2017, and rightly so!  Dont get me wrong, it was no "Three Billboards" but pretty damn good, especially if you have a teenage daughter.  As a father of one, I often say either to myself or to my daughter, "Good God, just stop being so damn dramatic, the world doesn't revolve around you and you have it pretty good".  You know, things like that.  Well I think I would absolutely say the same things to Lady Bird, a name she gave herself because going by her parental given name is fascist and dis-empowering.  Of course, because high school age kids know everything and have the right answer 100% of the time, just ask them.  So this is a good coming of age story like so many before it dealing with real issues and a real struggling family connected by love.  Although sometimes hidden by greater emotions there is a true bond with this young woman and her family and the acting perfectly portrays it throughout the entire movie.  This was an excellent rendition of suburban, american life in today's society going along with the pressures of media, adults, and peer pressure in the world of growing up.  This is another must see and may open your eyes to the youth of today.  Or, it may just make you roll your eyes and say, whatever.

FYI:  "Lady Bird" is best known for the nickname given to Claudia Taylor Johnson, the wife of former President LBJ.


Bomb City

Well if I have ever seen a Boo-Hoo, poor me movie in my life its this one!  Sniff, sobb, cry, why do people treat us different with 37 piercings in my face, a 3 foot mo-hawk, a shirt that says "Fuck You" and watching me break bottles on the street and spray paint someones building?  I am so labeled and persecuted by the main-stream, all I am doing is trying to express my unique individualism. :(
Dont worry jocks, your not going to get off that easy either.  Poor me, I wear a letter man's jacket, and wear the newest Nike high tops, and drive a big Texas truck.  Dont forget about the date rape drugs, the stealing beer from my parents liquor cabinet, and run over street signs.  Why are the cops always on our ass?!?!  Okay, so in all reality, this was a pretty good movie.  Based on a true story about a Punk in a small TX town who gets killed by a jock during a brawl and gets off in court because of "the way he looked".  Meh, maybe.  Actually the only reason I watched this is a kid I want to college with posted about how real to life it is from the perspective of someone who grew up in the "Scene".  Again, meh, maybe.  I dont quite buy it because the movie was all based on a one sided view of how pure and good hearted the Punks really were and how terrible and shallow the Jocks were.  There weren't two sides so it is very skewed.  Give this a shot as it is a good story and good film making but keep an open mind, and dont expect to go out and give money to your local punk community.

FYI:  The last film to feature Ron Lester (Billy Bob from Varsity Blues) he was a producer.


Black Panther

Apparently there is a new Marvel Superhero movie out about a guy who dresses up as a black cat with super abilities and a fierce temper.  Its either Batman's love interest Catwoman, or Black Panther, or one of the Thundercats, or Hellcat, or......whatever, I am stretching it now.  I think from the movie it was Black Panther, you know the guy who shows up out of no where in Civil War and kicks ass.  Well this movie did just that!  Here is the scoop; T'Challa, the king of Wakanda rises to the throne and claims his place as king only to be challenged by a vengeful rogue warrior played by the awesome Michael B Jordan.  No, not THE Michael Jordan, although he is playing basketball in the movie as a kid???  MBJ steals the show in this movie, he is jacked and plays the part of the villain perfectly.  He is only upstaged a few times by Danai Gurira (better known as Michonne from The Walking Dead).  She rocks her role in this as well.  I would say it is in my top 5 favorite Marvel movies of all time.  The flow was really good, it didnt stall, it had a great story and didnt try to incorporate too much.  I loved it.  This is a definite go see in the theaters!

FYI:  As of March 9, 2018 this film has grossed over $940,000,000.  Not bad


A Futile and Stupid Gesture

Much credit to Henry Beard and Doug Kenney, Harvard grads who became the creators of the most influential comedy of the 70's and 80's.  This movie in the celebration of "Drunk, Stoned, Brilliant, Dead" was outstanding.  Sure, some may think its crude and a tongue in cheek kind of a slap in the face of a horrific and tragic event, but in all reality, that is exactly what they wanted!  This was an excellent "mocumentary" of the creators of National Lampoon, arguably some of the most cutting edge comedy of two decades creating movies and skits that are still quoted and referenced to this day.  If you have ever watched "Animal House", or "Caddie Shack" you will know exactly what I am talking about.  Watching this made me realize, even after seeing the movies a million times that even Saturday Night Live stole skits, and actors from this realm.  This movie had me laugh out loud and I stood up to cheer for how well Will Forte and Joel McHale portrayed the real life characters.  If you like dry humor and a bit of raunch this is the one for you!  Netflix original, and one of its best!

FYI:  There are a number of cameos in this film, including Paul Rudd (see if you notice)


Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Man Down

I know what you are thinking, another Middle Eastern War Drama.  Or perhaps, Ugh, Shia LaBeouf, will this guy just go away!  Maybe your thinking, Oh, so a rip off of American Sniper.  Well, you are not all wrong, or right?  Well, love him or hate him, LaBeouf has got some serious acting chops, and can really transform himself into the role!  He will not disappoint in this flick that I just happen to stumble across on Amazon the other day.  So the premise is an aftermath of a tour in Afghanistan, where an infantry Marine is going through some pretty tough PTSD, and consulting with the Marine psychologist.  The story goes back and forth a bit telling the story of his family, his war time experience and his emotional tie to his best friend.  There are a lot of moving parts in this that may confuse you at first but trust me, comes together at the end and really throws you for a loop.  The directing in this is outstanding and there are some extremely emotional scenes that will give you a bit of a gut check.  Definitely worth the watch for the story line and acting, but I think you will like the movie all-together.

FYI:  Only sold one ticket in the UK on opening weekend!


Game Night

Who doesn't like Jason Bateman?  Seriously!  This guy can play the quirky but confident next door neighbor in anything and pull it off, and he does again in Game Night"!  Not quite all comedy, not quite all thriller or action, but all fun!  I will admit I was a bit tipsy while watching this but remember having a ton of fun in the theater.  The premise is the main couple met on a game night and has been involved with game nights including their friends throughout their whole relationship.  They all take it way too seriously and even exclude certain people from it due to not meshing with the crowd.  Well the rich, successful brother comes to join one night and decides to take it up a notch by using a real life scenario kidnap type of game, what could go wrong?  Great actors, funny situations and your typical shtick that is modern and campy but very well played out.  This is a definite to go see with some friends and drinks!

FYI:  Denzell Washington has a cameo in this film, and another at the end (or does he)?


Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri

In the Spirit of Oscar week, once again the blog is going to focus on a few of the front runners from the wealthy lefties of Hollywood.  First off you have the movie that made the least amount of roar in the theaters, only to come out as a monster during sweeps week, 3 Billboards!  A vast array of characters mix their multiple personality nuances in a small town in Missoura.  That is a recipe for disaster, and disaster strikes in every corner.  Not only does this movie provide some of the best performances of each "A" list actor who is in it, it also has a story that will knock you on your butt!  A grieving and pissed off mother of a daughter who was murdered decides to stir up some major emotion in the town by renting 3 billboards with a simple message asking why no arrests have been made.  The red neck Sheriff, the racist bully deputy, the family's around town, along with a wide group of angry nay-sayers make life rather difficult for the situation.  Throw in a midget and some serious twists and you've got yourself an Oscar contender!  This movie was outstanding, that is all I have to say other than, go see it now!

FYI:  Woody spent most of his off time between shoots signing autographs and hanging out with the locals.
