Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Hardcore Henry

If you haven't heard of this movie, your in for a big surprise!  Also, if you hate the shaky camera thing, with viewer perspective, you will hate every second of this movie.  I promise.  Mainly because the entire film is shot in first person where the viewer sees out of the eyes of the main character.  If you ask me it was ground breaking and unique and was really cool!  They didn't half ass on the action or fight sequences or the shooting and blowing up.  It is like a live version of the first person shooter video games with a good twist and story.  There are only a few things I didn't understand like how the main bad guy had some sort of power.  Basically, you (the main character) wakes up from a come in some sort of a lab where his wife has just brought him back to life.  Although he is half robot, he can kick some serious ass!  5 Seconds later, he is hunted and that goes on for the next 72 minutes.  There are some incredible stunts and camera action and to make the story even better, in comes Sharlto Copley (dud from District 9).  He is awesome in everything!  I watched a really bad version of this that was more than likely recorded from a theater somewhere and still loved it.  Trust me, give this one a try and keep an open mind, its very cool.

FYI:  The director of this film did many of Henry's stunts!


13 Cameras

Just look at the poster for God's sake!  How can you not instantly want to watch this flick after seeing this crazed freak munch down on some duct tape!?!  And believe me, this guy is a freak!  He has some sort of body defect but is ripped as hell for an old man, its weird to even look at.  The movie, a low budget, fatal attraction, creep out movie was fun and kept you wanting more but fell very short on the "good" movie scale.  The story unfolds like this; young couple expecting their first child rents a house from weirdo, introverted, slumlord (see picture above).  What they don't know is he is the ultimate peeping tom with hidden cameras in all the right places.  So he glues himself in front of the tube for some nocturnal activities while watching the young couple do just about everything.  The twist?  Well, young Ward Cleaver is boneing his assistant, which turns into a fatal attraction thing of course.  Once caught, the old creep decides to take matters into his own hands, and that's when things get going!  I liked the movie, if anything for the landlord, and the chicks are pretty hot.  There are some disturbing parts and most of the movie is just tension but worth a good watch on a rainy day.

FYI:  Over 300 million people were victims of camera surveillance last year.  Are you?


The Boy

What's the matter kid?  Mommy and Daddy not show you enough attention when you were young?  Boo-hoo!  Hey, I have a great idea!  Lets enable the little shit until he gets everything he needs and turns into a selfish, pretentious little brat!  Oh, wait.  You're a Doll???  A fucking doll?  Bwaahahahaha!  Sure, ill take thousands of dollars a week to nanny for this thing.  Well, just when you thought Maggie from The Walking Dead was out of harms way, here comes, "The Boy!"  English couple hire her to nanny their "son".  Nanny finds out its a doll.  Doll may or may not be real.  Throw in a past abusive relationship and a bit of a love story and you have the ever so familiar movie formula used here yet again.  I loved it!  A bit predictable, but keeps you on your toes a little.  I actually liked the abusive boyfriend part of the story and the creepy doll was awesome.  Oh, and not to mention Maggie is super hot when not covered in Zombie guts!  Definitely watch this movie, its worth it even if your not a huge horror fan.

FYI:  The doll had to be repaired many times during filming due to the cast using it for pranks.


Monday, April 4, 2016

10 Cloverfield Lane

Well here we are reviewing yet another film with the word Cloverfield in the name.  Is it just me or are there far to many words in the English language to have "Cloverfield" used multiple times in Hollywood?  This movie had the hype, the high hopes, and the actors but damn it, if it didn't fall short at the end like so many other movies!  This movie would have been at the top of my list for awesome success stories if it would have changed the last 15 minutes.  I am going back to my good ole stand by rating system of, "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly"!  Here we go, The Good-John Goodman, is there any part he cant play?  Seriously he made this movie and played the quirky, creepo like a champ.  Also, the first hour and 15 minutes were intriguing, mysterious, and tense.  The Bad-(SPOILER) Alien Monsters???  Extremely easy to kill?  What?  (yes I know it is in correlation with the original Cloverfield movie)  The Ugly-I can understand how a lot of people may have aspirations to be survivalists in life, but with no back story on the main girl it seemed a little far fetched that she became the G.I. Jane of the show.  All in all it was a pretty good flick and would consider watching it again just for the fact the story before the end was so good.  I would have rather the ending be that the dude was just a psychopath and wanted to trap some people in a basement.

FYI:  Bradley Cooper is the boyfriends voice in this movie.


They're Watching

Wait, who is watching?  Apparently no one is watching this film.  IMDB didn't even post the opening weekend numbers they were so low!  I, on the other hand, liked it.  A lot!  The concept was good, not all that original but fresh with a nice old time foreign sort of feel to it.  They threw some twists that were comical and exciting into the story that helped.  As for the acting, meh, but then again it is a horror movie so no high expectations here.  The best part, Mia Faith is in it, and she may quite possibly be the hottest girl ever! The story is based on a "flip this house" type of show that goes abroad to show a couple buying a real fixer upper in an Eastern European village.  This is the follow up visit to show the viewers how it looked and is all from the view of the crew.  Well the legend is this small village had a real live witch burning a few years back and what do you know, she is back!  The entire movie was great until the end which ruined the whole thing.  It wasn't the story but the God awful special effects that should have been left out.  A movie like this needs to take some lessons from the Paranormal Activity movies with the whole less is more concept.  I would give it a shot, it was enjoyable and campy all at the same time.

FYI:  There are parts of Europe where the people still believe in Witches.
