Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Tales of Halloween

A little late on this one due to the fact its Thanksgiving, but I am a Halloween nut so with a title like this I had to give it a watch!  Well for starters this is a definite throw away!  The premise is 10 stories of Halloween with different directors and "B" list actors that intertwine somewhat.  Well that should be the making of a great movie, but alas, many have tried and failed (A,B,Cs of Death part 1 & 2, Tales from the Darkside).  Many have succeeded with honors (Creepshow, V.H.S).  This was cheap and boring with a rotating script that by the 4th tale, I felt like I was watching the same thing over and over again.  I likes some of the laughable parts and the movie references that not many would get but the majority of it was just cheesy and goof-ball.  I have yet to see a movie like this made with good consistent scary tales all the way through.  This is a good one to watch with some friends and alcohol in October, otherwise pass.

FYI:  Narrated by Adrienne Barbeau, the queen of cheese horror flicks!


Saturday, November 21, 2015

The Stanford Prison Experiment

"Touch me again and I will kick your ass"!  That sentence went through my mind about a million times while watching this awesome movie.  If you haven't ever heard of The Stanford Prison Experiment, it is based on true events of Stanford University in the 70's.  Basically a Psyc professor decides he is going to conduct an experiment with willing college students on the effects of captivity and power have over the human mind.  What better way to do it than simulate a prison.  Strip away all power and freedoms from one group, and give all to the other.  Well as you can imagine, this didn't go all that well and the human mind is like a fat kid in a chocolate factory.  It runs wild!  The actual experiment was terminated after only 7 days and had some permanent effects on those who participated.  There have been a few other movies based on this called Das Experiment, and The Experiment (American Re Make).  Both are better only because they are dramatically exaggerated with a touch of Hollywood flair.  This film was a bit more realistic which was great, but should have come out first.  The only down side I had to this was I couldn't stop picturing three of the main characters from their Disney days.  All in all, great movie and should be seen by everyone, if anything to give you a taste of history.

FYI:  There are rumors that a lot of torture happened in the actual experiment, but no one has fessed up!



Brrrrr, its cold up there but, everyone needs a hobby.  Right?  Some people paint, some collect stamps, others pay thousands of dollars to literally freeze and risk their lives climbing a mountain that has no predictable weather patterns.  Oh, did I mention this particular mountain is Mt. Everest?  You know, the mountain only a handful of people have ever climbed!  This movie was intense!  I was on the edge of my seat the entire time.  I loved the fact that it is based on John Krakeuer's book and that he had a good role in the movie.  Of course, the book is better (hipsters stand and applaud).  There was a great atmosphere about the characters of the movie who were a bunch of cocky assholes with no fear thinking they would climb this impossible rock.  I am so dumb that I found myself saying, damn I would like to do that someday!  Please talk me out of it if I ever think I will, because other than reaching a peak not many have in the world, you still have to get down and the fun is over at that point!  This is a must watch in my option, I just wish I would have seen it in the theater.

FYI:  There are a number of bodies that have never been recovered from the mountain.  Haunted!


The Gift

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Surprise who?
Surprise, its me, the kid from high school that you tormented, tortured, degraded, and bullied.  Now I am here to return the favor and make your life a living hell.  But, don't worry, I will be very subtle about it.  As a matter of fact half the time you wont even know.  This was a pretty good movie, with a great nail biting twist and some dark secrets that pop up when your not expecting them.  Jason Bateman plays a really good asshole, but I found myself disappointed because I like him so much as the witty, fun guy.  Edgerton is creepy as you can imagine being the scorned outcast from the past.  The story line isn't new, it kind of reminds me of the old obsession type movies like Fatal Attraction, and The Crush.  This one had some great unexpected scenes that really helped the story and kept you on your toes.  Even the end gives you a chill without revealing too much.  There were a few parts that you find yourself saying, "just do this", or "just do that", but don't they all.  It was a little slow in some parts but overall I really liked it.  Give this one a shot and start calling the kids you tortured in high school.  Man I'm sure glad I called that guy!

FYI:  Edgerton wrote, directed and starred in this film.  He filmed his own scenes in 7 days.


Paranormal Activity - The Ghost Demension

"Mom, I have an imaginary friend who is a middle aged man and he only shows up when no one is around".  "That's nice dear".  If you think this conversation sounds a little peculiar, who the hell do you think you are judging the parenting of others!?!?  Okay, I am also on board with this one.  Let me start off by saying I love the PA franchise!  As a matter of fact, I would put the first on in my all time best scares.  So of course, each movie that comes out I get excited with high expectations only to be let down.  I think they should have stopped after 3, but the 4th wasn't all that bad.  This one on the other hand, although creepy, used too many stupid CGI tricks that made it seem goofy.  I like the acting and the story, but the whole "other dimension" was a bit of a stretch.  Oh, spoiler alert, you finally get to see Toby!!! (from the ankles down).  Basically this was a possession story of finally bringing Toby to the real world.  This guy must be the life of the party.  If I had that many people over 5 movies do everything they could, including murder in order to have me around I would be one happy son of a biscuit.  Check it out, just don't spend too much money on it.  Also, if your not a PA fan, dont bother.

FYI:  There are a number of goofs in this movie when referencing the last 4, sloppy!


Sunday, November 1, 2015

Knock Knock

Feminists of the world unite!  Here is a deep seeded movie to show you all about the cold hearted, dogs men really are.  What are you to do husband?  Your home alone for the weekend when a knock at your door presents you with two sexy soaking wet women who need to use your phone.  Well, as a good citizen, you let them in to call Uber, dry their clothes, and bang your brains out.  Oh but the tables turn when you find out, they just aren't interested in leaving.  As a matter of fact, they are complete psychos who want to ruin your life.  Sounds like marriage!  Well there are two sides to this movie.  First off, Keanu Reeves is by far the worst actor of all time!  The script was pretty cheesy but man, you think this guy would have his acting chops down by now.  The story is your typical little head thinking for the big head and getting you in trouble.  I loved every minute of it.  It was kind of a "Funny Games" meets "The Crush".  It was sexy, frightening, and keeps you on the edge of your seat.  I highly recommend this movie, maybe even as a guide of what not to do when a crazy situation becomes available.

FYI:  This is yet another Hollywood remake.  The original is called "Death Game"


Crimson Peak

To my surprise, this movie received amazing reviews from viewers.  I on the other hand thought this movie was a big piece of crap!  First off I am not a big fan of period piece horror films, but was intrigued by this one for a few reasons.  Del Toro, the director is usually on his game.  This film he was not.  If you are over the age of 70, like slow, boring dialogue films with the promise of it being a horror film, then this is one for you!  Dont worry about being too scared to watch, there is nothing frightening about it.  The "ghost" shows up for a fraction of the movie, the acting was stale and over dramatic, and just because Lokie is a favorite with the ladies does not make him the glue for this flick.  I actually left the theater a few times and walked around the lobby because I was so bored.  Leave this one to the Redbox, dont waste your money.  Carry on.

FYI:  The entire house had to be demolished after filming to make room in the studio.
