Thursday, January 21, 2016

Willow Creek

If only they would have brought a Slim Jim.  That should be the tag line for this movie, it would really tie the movie together.  Ready for this one?  New concept, couple goes into the woods in search for the infamous Bigfoot.  All the while they are capturing the events on a hand held camcorder.  If you have read any of my past reviews you know I love found footage films.  I feel like there is an authenticity to it that makes it a little scarier.  This film, although low budget, slow and somewhat boring at times, was enjoyable with nothing unique to offer.  Another directorial by Bobcat Goldthwait, and not to spoil to much but he must have some weird fetish with bestiality.  Good jump scares as well as built up tension scares.  Good characters and creepy atmosphere.  Also, very good job of building up the story with the hidden messages and foreshadowing.  There will be no Oscars given for this film and probably no recognition but worth a good horror movie watch fix.

FYI:  The tent scene was a single one take 21 1/2 minutes long blast!


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