Thursday, January 21, 2016

We Need to Talk About Kevin

Another great movie that basically serves as a guide on "how not to raise your child".  When raising a child there are two roads you can take.  One is the denial, sweep every action under the rug type style just chalking it up to boys will be boys (Dad).  The other is a yearning for any approval from your offspring that flows so deep it destroys you while passively doing nothing hoping for the best, (Mom).  Poor little Kevin, a sick, psychopath, with deep seeded issues ranging from pure evil and hatred to a narcissistic, manipulating arrogance.  I will just go ahead and say it, this kid is better off not being born!  The movie is based on two main characters, a boy and his mother.  She desperately wants his love and he has basically hated everything about her since birth.  She constantly tries to understand his shocking behavior and when it starts to get worse, she is already in over her head.  Tilda Swinton, although one of the weirdest looking people, plays the part perfectly.  Ezra Miller nails the part of a complete psychopath, and you really hate John C. Reilly as the total aloof.  This disturbing movie is streaming on Netflix now so give it a shot, you wont be disappointed.

FYI:  The colors red, yellow and blue are together in every scene representing the bow and arrow target.


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