Friday, January 8, 2016

The Big Short

How great would it be to have a billion dollars, 4 years of time, patience and it was 1997 again?  All the while betting against make believe money for real profits.  Incredible story with a horrifying inevitable outcome.  Lets begin with a quote from Ice-T, in the mid 90's, "I'll never go broke, I got property!"  Obviously there was a bit of arrogance in that statement, along with no idea of what the future would bring.  So you want to know what this movie is about?  Well, strap on your seat belt and follow closely:  In the early 2000's a few money managers discovered a fault in the housing market bubble as it was supported by sub-prime mortgages through basic economics, fraudulent activity by lenders and holders, falling intrinsic value, over utilization all the while credit market institutions who rely on corporate limited liability protection turned a blind eye to connecting borrowers, lenders and investors resulting in high risk and impossible loans to excess, an exchange of monetary notes that would change hands from one investor to the other growing like a snowball with more and more risk creating a burst in the economic financial bubble that was the staple of the worlds economy.  Whew!  Did you get all that?  I think I blacked out for a minute.  Well no worries, watch the movie because the way it is scripted, you will fully understand, or not.  Excellent cast, script, acting, soundtrack, and story that may scare the shit out of you.  Highly recommended movie, especially if you own a home or are shopping for one.  Times have changed a little, but living in AZ, we are seeing the trend all over again.

FYI:  First Adam McKay film not featuring Will Ferrell.


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