Friday, January 8, 2016


Who's ready for a 1/4th soft boiled egg on top of a 2oz piece of fish cooked with 4 different types of salt garnished with a coil of rutabaga and cabbage?  If you didn't catch that its about enough food to maybe feed a baby bird.  Oh, and your bill sir, is $278.00.  Thank you for reserving your table 3 months ago.  If you have ever experienced this before, than you are eating at the right restaurants and will never see me there.  This was a pretty good story of a reckless American who fled to Europe after a trying childhood only to finagle his way into one of the top chef's kitchens in the world.  There he learned his trade and became the best in the world.  Unfortunately for him he loves booze, drugs, women and gambling.  You know, all the good things in life.  He gets back on track only to make his mark in the culinary world as the top dog.  Along the way he finds himself, like every movie of this premise and reaps the happy ending.  This movie made being a chef look very cool, and glorified kitchen work.  On the other hand, I would never work for these arrogant assholes.  Woo hoo, you can saute a cranberry, you must be a God!  Good acting and cool premise but fell a little short for me.  It really needed more darkness and some depth in the story, but worth a throw away watch.  I would rather watch "Chef" again with Favreau.

FYI:  At age 8 Cooper wrote that he either wanted to be an actor or a chef.


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