Monday, May 21, 2018

The Void

Whaaaa??  Not sure what I just watched other than the fact Aaron Pool, who is an Aaron Paul look a like, did a stand up job in fighting a monster that looked like Pizza the Hut!  So apparently this is set in a land where cops are huge pussies, hillbillies can walk around carrying guns and shooting anything they want, and the only hospital in town is a broke down chop shop!  The creepy place is now on its haunting hour, (I think) and a bunch of hooded cult members are trying to do....something (I think)?  Enter some creepy monsters and some cheesy gore, and you have The Void!  I enjoyed it but could have done without the monsters, or at least the last one.  It was better with the cult members terrorizing the hospital.  I would suggest this movie as a "keeps your interest till the very end" type of film.  Fun acting and the blood and guts are outrageous.  Now make a plate of greasy and slimy nachos and start watchin!

FYI:  Crowd funded project.  Some serious loyal geeks!


Thursday, May 3, 2018


Ahhh, the old corporate retreat.  Most of us have been to one, and make no mistake, no matter what industry you are in they are all bad.  Lot's of corporate lingo, false motivation, fake cheers, righteousness, synergies and efficiency's, ass kissing, name dropping, and all around fun killing.  Yep, those are the ones.  Well how about a different kind of retreat?  One where you are "reborn" in a sense.  Its extreme, its dangerous, its sexy, and with the amount of brainwashing, you just may make it out a changed man!  It is basically like an Amway conference on steroids.  Poor Kyle, a middle aged business man with a family who lives in as they say "A Zombie State" is tricked by his old college friend to attend the Rebirth retreat, only to find out it is not quite what it seems.  This was a pretty good Netflix original but there were some pretty obvious holes here.  First off it was a pretty direct rip off of "The Game".  The flow was a little off, it seemed very rushed at some points and way to slow in others.  I felt like there should have been another 1/2 hour of the film giving it more substance.  The ending was a bit unexpected and somewhat original but not sure if I agree with the decision.  Overall I liked it and would watch it again, but of course anything with the over the top, ever so hot, hot, hot Nicky Whelan in it, I could stare at for hours.  No matter how bad the movie is!

FYI:  Harry Hamlin has a bit part playing exactly the type of guy you think he is in real life.


Carnage Park

Nothin better than a road trip through the desert, warm calm winds, no clouds in the sky, the sun shining down and sniper bullets ripping through your flesh!  Sounds like a nice afternoon, right?  Carnage Park isn't your average, run of the mill leisure spot.  Nope, its private property fenced in and owned by a sadistic sniper who is hell bent on sending his victims through a world of torture and fear before killing them.  Enter Scorpion Joe and his hostage.  He is a bank robber who is on the run from his last heist.  After taking a hostage he finds himself in the desert being hunted.  Is he a match for the killer?  How about his hostage, timid bystander who is played by Ashley Bell who is constantly in the wrong place at the wrong time.  This movie is stylish and cool but not short on gore and horror.  It is a great survival film that is dirty, and grimy but fun!  Good gem on Netflix, it does have its faults but the characters are outstanding and the creepy setting is excellent.  Give this one a shot, pun intended.

FYI:  The hand scene is done in a single take, and is really gross!


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

The Perfect Host

Having a dinner party?  I suggest inviting your closest friends then throw in an on the run criminal just to mess with his head!  What could go wrong?  Especially if your closest friends are so close they actually live inside your head!  This is a great find on Netflix that keeps you wanting more after each scene.  The film revolves around an injured bank robber who takes refuge in a strangers house after manipulating him into helping him.  He then finds that the host is not everything he seems to be.  David Hyde Pierce is outstanding as the host with the most.  He plays many parts and is extremely well rounded as a man not quite right in the head.  The movie has some holes of course but it is truly fun and exciting with a lot of little twists that keeps the roller coaster going.  If you watch this and aren't too nit-picky you will love it.  There are some key scenes that are movie greatness, one is a choreographed dance scene, one is a change of character and another a simulated sex scene.  Hello to the Host!

FYI:  Anyone remember Helen Ready?  I do (thanks Mom), and she makes an appearance!
