Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

WTF?  Another Desert Storm war movie?!  This time with a female, American, comedy stand up as lead?!  Well done Hollywood, yet again you take a serious situation and stink it up!  Oh, wait.  This is Tina Fey playing a real life reporter who wrote a book in which this movie is based.  Also, its not really a comedy.  Well, it starts out as one but quickly evolves into a really good drama recanting the events of a reporters life while in the Middle East covering the war.  Sure they throw in a bit of a love story, some drama, some action, some serious moments that are deep thinking type scenarios, but a really surprisingly good movie.  The best part, Margot Robbie!  Not sure if you have ever noticed but she is super hot!  This film deals with the industry sexism and politics of the news world.  It dives into the inner realm of a dog eat dog profession and takes an emotional toll on those who are sent there.  Check this one out, its a pretty good watch and will keep you interested throughout.

FYI:  When asked, 80% of people didn't know what Whiskey Tango Foxtrot stood for!



Move over Sybil, there's a new schitzo in town and his name is Kevin / Barry / Patricia / Hedwig / Dennis, etc.  Overall there are 23 different personalities within this lunatic's head.  Now imagine being trapped in a basement by this freak and each time you see him he has changed from one person to another.  Sounds like a fun game to me!  The story unfolds as three young girls are kidnapped and taken to some sort of home made underground chamber meeting each of the personalities one by one.  One girl has some demons of her own that may just help her get through this ordeal, but where does she go from here.  The story is very well done and keeps you in suspense in true Shyamalan fashion.  McAvoy is outstanding constantly changing accents, mannerisms, expressions, and tones to really have the viewer thinking your watching separate people.  The only down side to me was the backstory of one of the girls.  I wanted to know more and was hoping for a stronger outcome.  I loved this movie and there are some tie ins with other M. Night movies.  I would suggest watching this one and pay attention, there may be more to it than you think.

FYI:  Joaquin Phoenix almost had this lead roll!  Thank God!


Monday, April 3, 2017


Oh Canada, lighten up!  You think your the only country where something bad happens?  I can tell you one thing, there are some seriously messed up people in that country!  I mean, just look at the old comedy show SCTV!  Back to the main topic, Karla!  NetFlix has this baby ready to watch, but don't get your hopes up, there is no Laura Prepon naked.  Its based on the true story of a young married couple who kidnaps, rapes, beats and kills young girls.  Canada is so sensitive to this subject that they tried to boycott the film on numerous occasions.  They still hate the fact that it was ever made.  It is a disturbing story and can be researched to be very accurate.  It has a made for TV feel which is disappointing but keeps you watching.  The entire film I found myself in disbelief that any woman would let this happen, but the more you get into it, you aren't quite sure if Karla had a lot more to do with it or not.  The worst part is one of the victims is Karla's own little sister.  I feel like its a story that should be heard and will make you cringe at times but worth a watch.

FYI:  Misha Collins says he wishes he would have never been a part of the movie after the public backlash.



Have you ever been laying in bed at night and heard the creaking sounds coming from your attic or walls?  I know you have, we all have.  Well guess what?  Its not just the pipes or the house settling or the wind.  It is something much more sinister, but don't worry, you have do anything about it anyway so prepare for total damnation!  I found this flick the other day on HBO, and really wanted it to be a hidden gem.  I think I was tired and wanted it to be good a little more than it actually was, but I still enjoyed its low quality and "B" rated feel.  First off I will say its a total rip off.  There are a number of movies like it, (Crawlspace, The Boy, Hider in the House) we have all seen them before and nothing really new here.  The director tries to make you feel like there are a number of suspects including the creepy Scoopy Doo type neighbor, ghosts, or even the schizophrenic route.  The first half was pretty good and kept you on your toes a little, then it just gets a bit cheesy.  I found myself constantly yelling at the idiots in the house making the worst decisions I have ever seen.  There were some positives, such as a super hot step mom, and an even hotter daughter but unfortunately no gratuitous nudity.  Not a bad flick, it is exactly what you expect and the end, although a bit of a surprise still pretty bland.

FYI:  One of the extras in this movie (next door squatter) died shortly after the films release.


Office Christmas Party

I would work at a failing company if they threw an office party like this!  Shit tons of booze, drugs, sex, violence, you know like at the Hobby Lobby corporate parties.  Unfortunately I had extreme high hopes for this one, especially with the all star cast.  It was pretty much a total dud.  The idea was great, and was open to a "Hangover" type of greatness.  Instead it was a film where I literally found myself trying to laugh.  I was constantly waiting for the big laugh payoff, or the awesome moment where things got crazy unique and fun.  Well, needless to say, it didn't happen.  I love Bateman who was underused.  TJ Miller is awesome but came off as bored.  Aniston, who is so incredibly hot, was probably the best part of the movie.  Kate McKinnon, who had all the right tools for the nerdy HR lady just kind of fizzled.  Overall, it was just a hodge podge of could be funny ideas written and executed all wrong.  I would say if you want some mindless film watching go ahead, but I would probably skip this one.

FYI:  All of the props and furniture in this movie were donated to an Atlanta furniture type goodwill.


Here Alone

We have all had the conversation of, "what would you do when the zombie apocalypse comes?"  I know the exact spot I would go, what I would bring, and what my escape plan would be.  Well, unfortunately for this lonely woods dwelling woman, a couple of drifters come and screw it all up for her.  She had the routine, the rations, the perfect set up and was careful and smart about her existence.  Just like every zombie movie, its the humans that screw things up.  This is a great take on the whole close to being played out zombie movement.  The dead are more like the World War Z and 28 days type of zombies.  Fast, strong, and hungry for blood.  It basically starts as a virus and infects most of the population.  The story revolves around a 30's something woman who is just surviving day to day with the burden of her family being dead from the disease.  She stumbles upon some drifters and helps them along coming to a crossroads of what to do next.  Good suspense, jsut enough zombie action and a bit of a twist.  I would highly recommend this, be prepared for a slower drama, not an action packed flick but well worth the watch.

FYI:  Many of the wounds in this movie were real.
