Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Nocturnal Animals

Reason #4,572 I hate Texas!  West Texas, to be exact.  Oh, you're from there?  Well then you completely understand :)  This movie has flown under the radar for some reason and I am shocked.  I wasn't quite sure what to expect but I was blown away!  First off I am pretty sure everything Amy Adams and Jake Gyllenhaal touches turns to gold, no exception here.  Throw in Michael Shannon and Isla Fisher and you got yourself a good ole flick.  The premise is basically two stories combined to come full circle.  Adams receives a proof of her ex husbands book as he wants her opinion since she was the inspiration for his writings.  The book is haunting and extremely emotional which you can only assume comes from some real life situation.  As her unraveling life starts to become more revealing, she relates more to the terrifying story as a ironic message.  This movie will keep you on the edge of your seat, piss you off, make you sad and get you completely excited.  I read so many bad reviews which I can only assume came from trolls and unimaginative idiots.  There should be an award or two for this movie in the near future if there is any justice in the film world!

FYI:  This is Jake Gyllenhalls 35th film


1 comment:

  1. We saw this one in the theater and couldn't believe that it wasn't a huge hit. Then when it didn't get any nominations, we where left completely puzzled. This may be my favorite film of 2016. I agree that Gyllenhaal is consistently in really cool flicks. Nightcrawler was the best of '14 if you ask me. And Enemy.... holy crap! That movie was so creepy awesome I want to watch it again right now. Wait... I own it so it is go on right now!
