Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Keeping Up With The Joneses

Ho, hum.  Another one of these movies.  If it weren't for the star power, this would have definitely been a straight to TBS Saturday afternoon double feature.  Ready?  Tell me if you have heard this plot before.  Overly suburban couple living on a cul de sac are introduced to the new neighbors who are perfect.  Looks, money, culture, experience, you name it.  Well, it turns out they are, wait for it, spies.  Of course they recruit a really skinny Galifinakis and Fisher to help them take down a crime lord.  Been there, a number of times.  There were a few funny parts, and Zach does a great job of being a sensitive HR nerd.  Overall it was a pretty big dud.  There was a silver lining mid movie.  A scene where Gadot and Fisher are in a dressing room wearing skimpy undergarments!  Both are hot, so that was great!  Enough said.  IF you really want to see this movie, just wait a month and see it on a local cable affiliate on a weekend afternoon, otherwise skip it.

FYI:  Red Brick Brewing Co. is featured in this film, this is the oldest craft brew in Georgia.


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