Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Nocturnal Animals

Reason #4,572 I hate Texas!  West Texas, to be exact.  Oh, you're from there?  Well then you completely understand :)  This movie has flown under the radar for some reason and I am shocked.  I wasn't quite sure what to expect but I was blown away!  First off I am pretty sure everything Amy Adams and Jake Gyllenhaal touches turns to gold, no exception here.  Throw in Michael Shannon and Isla Fisher and you got yourself a good ole flick.  The premise is basically two stories combined to come full circle.  Adams receives a proof of her ex husbands book as he wants her opinion since she was the inspiration for his writings.  The book is haunting and extremely emotional which you can only assume comes from some real life situation.  As her unraveling life starts to become more revealing, she relates more to the terrifying story as a ironic message.  This movie will keep you on the edge of your seat, piss you off, make you sad and get you completely excited.  I read so many bad reviews which I can only assume came from trolls and unimaginative idiots.  There should be an award or two for this movie in the near future if there is any justice in the film world!

FYI:  This is Jake Gyllenhalls 35th film


Keeping Up With The Joneses

Ho, hum.  Another one of these movies.  If it weren't for the star power, this would have definitely been a straight to TBS Saturday afternoon double feature.  Ready?  Tell me if you have heard this plot before.  Overly suburban couple living on a cul de sac are introduced to the new neighbors who are perfect.  Looks, money, culture, experience, you name it.  Well, it turns out they are, wait for it, spies.  Of course they recruit a really skinny Galifinakis and Fisher to help them take down a crime lord.  Been there, a number of times.  There were a few funny parts, and Zach does a great job of being a sensitive HR nerd.  Overall it was a pretty big dud.  There was a silver lining mid movie.  A scene where Gadot and Fisher are in a dressing room wearing skimpy undergarments!  Both are hot, so that was great!  Enough said.  IF you really want to see this movie, just wait a month and see it on a local cable affiliate on a weekend afternoon, otherwise skip it.

FYI:  Red Brick Brewing Co. is featured in this film, this is the oldest craft brew in Georgia.


Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Nerds of the world unite!  Another Star Wars movie smashing box office records is upon us, and its not disappointing!  If you are confused, and not sure of the order of these films, let me simplify it for you.  Part one is actually number 4 then stems into 2 sequels.  Rogue one isn't part of the actual original trilogy but takes place between part 3 (actually number 4) and just before part 4, number 1.  The film that came out just before this one was actually part 7, which catches us up in chronological order if you don't include Rogue One (part 3 1/2).  See, easy and clear.  This movie was really good and the way it tied up a number of loose ends was excellent.  The story was a little more involved than most of the others but had a great pay off.  Good acting and characters with some cool depth and some open ended avenues they can go.  I would give you some theory's but don't want to get killed by the purists.  I did think there were a few parts that were a little slow, but WOW, did Darth Vader save the day!!!!  The few scenes he was in were absolutely outstanding.  If you like any part of the Star Wars saga, check this one out.  It will be well worth it.

FYI:  Actors cut from casting: Joel Edgerton, Taylor Kitsch, Dominic West, Sam Worthington, and Gerard Butler.  Budgeting???



Calm down, its a cartoon!  Not only is it a cartoon, but a really light hearted one at that.  The comments I have heard about this movie being too kid friendly, or to subjective with twerking animals, or being ruined by the shy, introverted character, or the crime aspect, bla, bla, bla.  Seriously?!  Have you watched a recent big screen animated movie lately?  If the answer is no, well okay then, go back to the nursing home.  This movie was actually really good.  The songs were assembled in a great way using the popular songs of today and throwing in some alternative and classics to feel well rounded.  The characters were great and you will find yourself tying to decide which one was your favorite.  I had a hard time recognizing the voices only to be pleasantly surprised during the credits.  The kids loved it and I was hung over watching it and still had a good time, so mission accomplished.  If you like animated blockbusters, this is pretty close to as good as it gets.

FYI:  There are at least 2 references to Back to the Future.  Can you find them?
