Tuesday, February 5, 2019

The Hurricane Heist

Where do I begin?  I literally found myself rolling my eyes and searching for something else to do countless times during this movie.  Within the first few minutes I though, wow the acting is terrible for a big budget film, what is going on.  Then I realized, the entire movie is not only horrible acting but also the following:  Incredibly bad dialogue, forced and terrible character development, bad CGI, and to top it off a really stupid and predictable twist.  The premise of this turd is a heist is planned to rob the U.S. Treasury during a hurricane, you know to be used as cover.  The ATF is there, you know, they were the ones who drove the trucks to the Treasury.  From there the battle begins!  It is a typical evil kingpin who gets the nerdy tech couple to hack, the bad ass brothers to muscle, and the inside men, to throw a loop in the situation?  Here is what I learned:  Hurricanes can reach winds of up to 600 mph in Mississippi.  Apparently you can outrun a 600 mph hurricane with a semi (trailer attached).  You can block bullets by holding your arm up in front of your face.  Meteorologists are actually cross-fit and MMA experts.  Everyone can drive like a pro race car driver.  Lastly, the National Weather Control has equipment that cant tell the difference between a hurricane and a thunderstorm.  Watch at your own risk!

FYI:  Remember the 600 MPH winds?  The highest ever recorded on earth during a hurricane is 190 mph.  Jupiter's "Great Red Spot" which is as big as 2 Earths, is a hurricane with 600 mph winds.


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