Monday, October 3, 2016

The Magnificent 7

Self proclaimed bloggers and movie reviewers unite!  We have yet another Hollywood remake on our hands and the claws are out!  Many of these so called expert reviewers and critics (present company excluded) have taken this film through the ringer.  I have read some of the worst reviews of a blockbuster since the new Star Wars!  Well I have come to bring peace to the land, and solve the arguments and make the universe right again.  First!  This movie kicked ass.  Maybe the character development was a little sloppy and rushed.  Maybe the historical inaccuracy was a bit over the top.  And just maybe, the gun fighting was a little exaggerated.  Here is the deal, the characters were bad ass.  What did you need, a love story???  The acting was spot on and compared to the original (Not 7 Samurai) it destroyed the expectations.  The gun fighting?  Well, its a western, they are always over the top and the original Mag 7, half the stars didn't even shoot!  Chris Pratt owned the screen.  He has great writers and can play the part well.  Denzel is always good but thought it was a bit of a mis-cast, not from the acting but he just didn't fit the role.  This was a great film that keeps you involved the entire time, watch it.

FYI:  You're welcome other critics.



It's high society at its finest!  Who wouldn't want to be part of an organization of fraternal brotherhood where in order to get in you have to go through a week of hell getting hazed to the point of physical torture and near alcohol poisoning.  Psychologically put through the ringer by a bunch of over-privileged trust fund babies with rape tendencies.  Then in the years to come, when you are the drive through window assistant manager of a Burger King you can stroll back in to the Frat House and be the laughing stock.  If you ask me its all worth it!  Best years of your life Bro!  This haunting tale is not your typical College Romp-Com, its the dark side of the hazing experience from one man's perspective after a brutal assault from some townies.  Jonas is pretty good and the story is very well told.  Some slow boring moments that I think dragged a little to long but over all great movie.  Based on the true story of Brad Land and his experience at Clemson University.  Give it a shot, and while your at it, take some shots!

FYI:  Many of the scenes shown were filmed using actual alcohol.  Boom!


We Are Your Friends

Can a DJ save the world?  I believe the writers of this movie believe just that.  With the power of highly repetitious electronic beats, anything is possible!!!  But wait, there is more!  Just take a glance above and try to stay dry, its Efron at the helm!  Okay, so this typical Hollywood production did it again with mass marketing, popular teen heart-throb, a niche music scene, and a hidden secret title that is actually a rip off from a song title.  Well I will be honest with you, I am pretty sure I would date Efron, and I am a straight dude!  Enough with the bashing, I was actually into this throw away film.  I thought the story was intriguing and I love electronic dance music.  I am certainly not going to hipster out and say, "oh hell no, that isn't even the way DJ's spin Bra!"  It is pretty dry and empty but worth a good watch to chill out to.  Efron has come a long way and I think is pretty awesome.  I remember taking my daughter to see him as a High School Goodie in the theater long ago, but now he is pretty bad ass.

FYI:  The fourth worst depute from a film released in over 2000 theaters.  $758 average!
