Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Too Big To Fail

If you still haven't become negative and suspicions about the economic crash of the early 2000's then you arent watching enough movies about it!  This hidden gem was outstanding right along with the others who follow suit such as The Big Short and Margin Call.  This one centers around the potential fall of Lehman Brothers involving back channel negotiating, political fudging, no strings attached bailouts and a lot of lip service to the public.  This gave a very in-depth understanding of just how greedy the industry can be with no repercussions.  This all star cast really shined and gave all of the 10,000 ft view characters some humility.  This is a must watch for anyone who just cant get enough of the crisis situation.

FYI:  4 Oscar nominees star in this film


Us and Them

The world has always had "have's" and "have not's".  The real issue is how does the human psyche deal with it.  Work hard?  Invest?  Get an education?  Hell no!  You get a gun, go to some rich assholes house and tie them up to teach a lesson!  Well that's what this young man does to prove a worthless point as if a needle in a haystack will suddenly jump out and stick you in the finger.  This working class stiff along with his band of misfits have a master plan of taking over a rich dudes house and holding him and his family hostage teaching him that the rich are evil and the weak will soon rise!  The story is not unique and the plot is a bit thin but was a very enjoyable watch.  I liked the whole idea and the fact that they didn't try to make it something its not.  It was acted okay and very "next door" quality but well worth the watch.  Streaming on Netflix, give this one a shot!

FYI:  The gun used in this was filled with sand to make it feel heavier, like a real pistol.
