Monday, July 16, 2018

How it Ends

Not another post-apocalyptic survival movie!!!  How many times can Hollywood take Mad-Max, The Road, and Blackout, throw some other actors in it and try to churn it out as new twist on the genre.  Well, I am a fan so keep em coming!  I liked this one for a few reasons but I will give you the old fashion Molina Film Review Good, Bad, and Ugly on this one!  The Good:  Cool unexplained reason for the meltdown.  Weird weather, total electronic darkness, and a fast reaction by the people to become chaotic.  I also liked the tense relationship between main actor and Father in law.  The Bad:   So many wasted opportunities for the plot line to move into great directions.  What is going on, where did they go, and who is that?  The Ugly:  Some good, and some really, really bad acting/writing.  There were times where I laughed out loud it was so forced.  Overall, I enjoyed this one, the fact that the main actor wasn't a complete bad-ass with a weapon and that he didn't understand the situations he was in made it worth while.  This is a good watch and will keep you entertained.

FYI:  Many of the military members were actual members of the Canadian Army


Red Sparrow

What a terrible position to be in as an American Spy.  You get roped in, seduced and used with a sexy and beautiful young Russian spy forced to use her body as a weapon.  Sounds horrible to me!  Just go ahead and kill me before manipulating me into a sensual sex game with a "Sparrow"spy.  On top of all that, the class hot shot in Sparrow School is J-Law, and she isn't shy showing her skin in this flick!  I was very much not interested in this movie as I thought it was going to be just a rip off of Atomic Blonde, (which was awesome).  Little did I know it was going to be really good and surprising with the plot twists, action, gore and nudity.  I have also never really been attracted to Lawrence, but wowza!  She is super sexy in this one!  Basically she is an A List Russian Ballerina who ends up getting hurt and is reduced to the low portion of society.  She is then recruited by her slime ball Uncle to be a "Red Sparrow" spy and seduce for secrets.  Her first target, an American spy who needs a new contact for his assignment.  Next thing you know, they are shacking up!  It's not an Oscar worthy movie, and it is a bit predictable but well worth your time!

FYI:  Lawrence spent 4 months practicing ballet 3 hours a day for this role.


Good Time

Good ole shovel face is out for blood again, but this time he ain't drinking it.  This isn't your cheesy, weirdo, fan girl vampire movie, that's for sure!  I will start off by saying I hate Pattinson, he is a creepy type of actor who never really shines for me.  He is awesome in this one as a low life dirt bag who is racing through the night to correct his terrible decisions.  The story starts out with him and his mentally challenged brother in a botched bank robbery.  They are on the run and the brother (played brilliantly by the director) gets caught and put into lock up.  Pattinson must enter the depths of a shady city in order to find him and get the cash to set him free.  There is outstanding 80's throwback music for the score, some great slow burning cinematography, and great nail biting action.  This is an extremely underrated movie with a surprisingly great plot.  Amazon Prime right now, give this one a serious look!

FYI:  Most of the actors in this film are ordinary people cast to play the specific parts.
