Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Hounds of Love

Lesson number one, don't let your kids sneak out of the house.  Lesson two, make sure that you are well aware of who your neighbors really are.  And finally our final lesson, if you have suspicions about someone, do something about it!  This is a disturbing story of a young teenage girl who is abducted, held captive and tortured by a sadistic couple with some really, really deep issues.  The story takes place in 1987 in none other than......... yep the really fucked up place of Perth, Australia.  This movie proves once again that although a beautiful place, Australia may be the freakiest habitat for the most disturbing people in the world!  The poor captive is sexually, mentally and physically abused as the couple with some serious reality issues constantly increase the tension between each other.  The young prisoner soon discovers that the only thing that may save her is her mental strength and wit, but will it work?  You have to watch for yourself.  Very well made and acted, and not very in your face graphic but a slow burn for sure.  This is really a true cinema watchers type of movie leaving you feel pretty gross to know that this stuff really happens.

FYI:  The entire movie only took 20 days to film.


I Am Not a Serial Killer

There is always a joke about the weird kid at the end of the block who could end up being a serial killer, every town has one.  Most of the time they turn out to be something great, or just a normal everyday Joe.  Although, there is that slight chance that they really are a serial killer and have the ability to slice your throat while you are sleeping off last nights kegger at the bon-fire.  This great streaming flick centers around a kid who has some tendencies that make him think he could probably be a murder, and has to stick to a routine in order to suppress them.  Well it just so happens he may be living next door to a real life sicko!  He does some investigating on his own and finds that his small, quiet town has some dark secrets.  All the while he is dealing with his own issues only to run into a huge twist that could have been corny, but ended up awesome!  This is a great flick with kind of gritty low budget feel keeping you wondering if its all real or just in the imagination of a troubled kid.

FYI:  The main kid is the same kid who played Max in Where the Wild Things Are.


The Belko Experiment

Think of the last day you spent at work.  You know, the day spent in a cubicle jungle, listening to the co-worker behind you chomping on chips too loud.  The worthless HR lady who re-directs her job 100% of the time.  Or how about that under-qualified, empty suit boss you have that shows he has no business managing anything other than the fry machine at your local Burger King.  That feeling creeps up on you, you know the one, where you just want to up and go devil on everyone.  Well, now just imagine if you didn't have a choice and were made to do just that!  Pretty cool little underrated flick called "The Belko Experiment" which takes the concept of Battle Royale to a level of corporate atmosphere.  Basically an overseas company employing many Americans lock the office down and announce over the loud speaker that if they don't kill someone, a group will be killed.  And so on, and so on, and so on.  The gore was fun, a little un-creative and pretty predictable but exciting and entertaining.  Some fun killings include death by office supplies, ax to the head, elevator, and much more!  Give this one a shot on a Thursday night after your worst day at work, trust me :)

FYI:  Actually based on a real life experiment in 1963 regarding the effects of authority.
